This Thanksgiving …

My sweet precious Sheryl posted her thoughts about this Thanksgiving on her social media page today.  I will let her words inspire you today …


“Holidays always bring mixed emotions for me. For anyone that has spent 5 minutes with me, knows that I love Christmas, and I’m pretty sure it’s because of my momma, but it also brings a bit of sadness.

This was Thanksgiving 2011. The last one that we would celebrate together on this side of heaven. The picture has changed drastically. We’ve added new faces, we’ve gotten older, the little ones in front are no longer little, and the 3 chairs are empty now.

Some of you are facing your holiday season with an empty chair for the first time, and I understand how difficult that can be. This is not my first Thanksgiving without them, but the feelings are there. You cannot avoid the missing part.


So I challenge all of us that have a missing piece of our heart, to celebrate the time that we did have, the memories that were made and talk about our loved ones. Laugh, cry, unplug and make intentional memories with your family. Time is a gift. Make it count.

On Thanksgiving Day, take lots of pictures, look people in the eyes and savor every second.”