So, my last little update on my prostate cancer diagnosis asked all the “WHY” questions. And, I’m glad I asked because today, I believe I am understanding God’s plans and processes a little bit better. Even though sometimes, I really don’t like HOW God might choose to answer my questions.

My dear pastor friend Ray Waters has this to say about asking questions of God:

  • Sometimes God says, “No” ~ not yet, or just not at all
  • Sometimes God says, “Slow” ~ wait a minute; and
  • Sometimes God says, “Go” ~ it’s time, you are ready, so get to It!

I wrote about the WHY questions earlier this year. Today, I am asking WHAT questions.

God, WHAT is next in my life?
WHAT do you have in store for me and my family?
If You healed me of cancer, now WHAT?!

And, God seems to be answering, ” … WAIT …”

We all know — Waiting is the tough part.

Yea yea, the scripture says, ” … they that wait upon the LORD …”. Right, got it. Know it. Learned it. Or, have I really? Waiting can be boring, creating anxiety, and depending on how we ‘rule’ our own minds, waiting can create moments of hysteria and panic! My ADHD mind runs wild most days and if I’m not careful to re-MIND myself of God’s Word, God’s promises, and the faith that God gives me — panic and paranoia will certainly set in.

So, for now … I wait.

And listen. And sing. And work my ‘daily’ jobs, and move along and do what the next day brings my way as I trust in the Spirit to show me the Way. I’m sure we all have done the same at some point.

I love the lyric of the Brooke Ligertwood song, “New Wine”. Here’s the chorus:

Make me Your vessel, make me an offering
Make me whatever You want me to be
I came here with nothing but all You have given me
Jesus, make new wine out of me

~ Brooke Ligertwood / CCLI Song #7102397
© 2017 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia